Package 'monad'

Title: Operators and Generics for Monads
Description: Compose generic monadic function pipelines with %>>% and %>-% based on implementing the 'S7' generics fmap() and bind(). Methods are provided for the built-in list type and the maybe class from the 'maybe' package. The concepts are modelled directly after the Monad typeclass in Haskell, but adapted for idiomatic use in R.
Authors: Mikko Marttila [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mikko Marttila <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.1
Built: 2025-01-27 04:40:19 UTC

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Functor Laws


Classes implementing fmap() are expected to satisfy two functor laws: preservation of identity and preservation of composition.



A functor object.

f, g



The Haskell functor laws can be translated into R as follows:

Preservation of identity:

m %>>% identity is equal to m |> identity().

Preservation of composition:

m %>>% (f %.% g) is equal to m %>>% g %>>% f.

Where above ⁠%.%⁠ denotes function composition ⁠\(f, g) \(x) f(g(x))⁠.


See Also

Other implementation laws: monad-laws

The List Monad


The list built-in type is a monad with element-wise function application as fmap() and flattening as join(). It follows that ⁠%>>%⁠ is a map operator and ⁠%>-%⁠ is a "flat map" operator. The methods are implemented as wrappers to the purrr package.

See Also

purrr::map() which implements fmap() for list.

purrr::list_flatten() which implements join() for list.

Other monads: Maybe


# The fmap operator corresponds to purrr::map().
list(1, 2) %>>% `+`(1)

# The bind operator is a "flat map" that combines output lists.
list(1, 2) %>-% \(x) list(x * 2, x / 2)

The Maybe Monad


The maybe package implements the Maybe monad. It represents the explicit possiblity of absence of a value. Methods for fmap(), bind() and join() are provided for the maybe S3 class as wrappers to functions in the package.

See Also

maybe::maybe_map() which implements fmap() for maybe.

maybe::and_then() which implements bind() for maybe.

Other monads: List


# The fmap operator corresponds to maybe::maybe_map().
maybe::just(1) %>>% `+`(1)
maybe::nothing() %>>% `+`(1)

# The bind operator corresponds to maybe::and_then().
maybe::just(1) %>-% \(x) maybe::just(x + 1)
maybe::just(1) %>-% \(x) maybe::nothing()
maybe::nothing() %>-% \(x) maybe::just(1)

Monad Operators and Generics


Classes implementing methods for these S7 generics are called monads. fmap() should be implemented such that the functor laws hold. bind() or join() should be implemented such that the monad laws hold. ⁠%>>%⁠ is the fmap() pipe operator, and ⁠%>-%⁠ is the bind() pipe operator. Operator usage is in the form m %>>% f(...).


lhs %>>% rhs

lhs %>-% rhs

fmap(m, f, ...)

bind(m, f, ...)



m, lhs

A monadic object.

f, rhs

A function. For bind(), it should return a monadic object.


Additional arguments passed to f.


A monadic object.


Monads are containers for values. fmap() transforms the contained value with a function. bind() transforms the contained value with a function that returns a monadic object. join() takes a monad whose contained value is another monad, and combines them into a new monadic object. It's used to unwrap a layer of monadic structure. Implementing classes typically embed some form of control flow or state management in bind() or join().

There's a default implementation for join() if you provide bind(), and there's a default implementation for bind() if you provide join() and fmap(). For performance reasons you may wish to implement both regardless.


The pipe operators expect a monadic object as lhs and a function or a call expression as rhs. A call in rhs is treated as partial application of the function f. The pipe expression is transformed into a call to the corresponding monad generic with any call arguments in rhs passed as additional arguments to f in the generic. For example, m %>>% f(x) is equivalent to fmap(m, f, x) and m %>-% f(x) is equivalent to bind(m, f, x).


A class that only implements fmap() is called a functor.

See Also

The monad laws and functor laws that implementations should satisfy.

List and Maybe for examples of implementing classes.


# We demonstrate by implementing a simple Either monad.

# Start by defining constructors of the Left and Right variants. Conventionally
# a Right variant signifies success and Left an error condition with a context.
left <- function(x) structure(list(value = x), class = c("left", "either"))
right <- function(x) structure(list(value = x), class = c("right", "either"))

# Implement fmap() and bind() methods to gain access to monad operators.
class_either <- new_S3_class("either")

method(fmap, class_either) <- function(m, f, ...) {
  if (inherits(m, "left")) m else right(f(m$value))

method(bind, class_either) <- function(m, f, ...) {
  if (inherits(m, "left")) m else f(m$value)

# Use with your function that handles errors by returning a monadic value.
mlog <- function(x) {
  if (x > 0) right(log(x)) else left("`x` must be strictly positive.")

# fmap() modifies the contained value with a regular function.
mlog(2) %>>% \(x) x + 1
mlog(0) %>>% \(x) x + 1

# bind() modifies the contained value with a function that returns an Either.
mlog(2) %>-% mlog()
mlog(0) %>-% mlog()

Monad Laws


Classes implementing bind() are expected to satisfy three monad laws: left identity, right identity, and associativity.



The function to wrap a value in the monad.

h, g

Monadic functions. Functions that return monadic objects.


Any object.


A monadic object.


The Haskell monad laws can be translated into R as follows:

Left identity:

pure(a) %>-% h is equal to h(a).

Right identity:

m %>-% pure is equal to m.


(m %>-% g) %>-% h is equal to ⁠m %>-% \(x) g(x) %>-% h⁠.


See Also

Other implementation laws: functor-laws